Monday, April 21, 2008

writing style

Ok, so this still confuses me a lot, because i dont think i really have a writing style because i never really write for fun. i write for homework, so i think that my writing style, if i have one, tends to follow the "rules" a lot. i was taught to always "color inside the lines" so to speak when it comes to writing papers. sure i dont write like that if i am writing my friend a letter, or texting, but i dont think about that. truthfully i dont really think about the rules when i write my school papers either, it is so ground into me that it just comes naturally. so i will attempt to do this, and i will attempt to find my "style" as i write my paper, but i cant guarantee anything.

Original: Smartwater - the water with all the answers - is a zero calorie, vapor distilled, electrolyte enhanced water. Just the purest cleanest water possible with added electrolytes.

Mine: Smartwater is thought to be the water that has all of the answers. It is a zero calorie, vapor distilled, electrolyte enhanced water. Smartwater is the purest, cleanest water one could possibly get, and it has electrolytes added to make it better.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it could also be that they secretly lace the amazing smart water w/ addiction forming crack. =)

just sayin...