Monday, April 21, 2008


“Even though we've changed and we're finding our own place in the world, we know that when the tears fall or the smile spreads across our face, we'll come to each other because no matter where this crazy world takes us, nothing will ever change so much to the point where we're not still friends.”

We all have a friendship with at least one person that is like the friendship stated above. Some of these friendships are new and have only developed over the past year, and some of these friendships have lasted over years and years. Last night when I was at my friend, Laura's, birthday celebration, I saw both of these types of friendships. Laura and I have only known each other for less than a year, but I know that we both feel this way about our friendship. within the first couple months of being friends we felt this way, and I do not know what it is about some friendships that they can develop that quickly and become so important so fast, but those are the kind where you know that no matter what you chose to do in life the person will be there for you, supporting you and encouraging you. She also had two friends there, Daniel and Brandon, who she has been great friends with since sixth grade. I have hung out with those three only twice, but you can see right away the bond that they have. I think it is awesome that in this day and age where we all have such different lives and go in such different directions they can still manage to stay in touch and stay connected with one another. There are some friends from my past that I really do miss, and I am not sure why our friendships ended even, but some days I just sit and think about them and wonder how they are doing, and what they are up to these days, and I wish that we were still friends. I know that the end of the semester is coming, and we all just want to be done with school and get out of here, but I encourage you to think about the friends that you have made this year and this semester here at NAU. Think why these people are important to you, and realize how easy it will be to lose touch with them over the summer. Then make a conscious effort to not let those friendships fall apart. Even if it is just one phone call or text or email over the summer, that can make so much of a difference.

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