Monday, April 7, 2008

Let Go and Let God

Recently I have come to realize that every time I think I have finally figured something out and I have even just one day planned out to the detail, something happens and everything I had planned goes out the window. This can be on a large scale such as when I came to college I thought I had everything planned out and now I have no idea what I want out of life and I am switching schools at the end of this semester, or it can be on a small scale such as what happened tonight. This afternoon I was helping a very good friend of mine move across town to a new apartment. We had just gotten everything moved in and were eating dinner and were then planning to go back to my house so she could do her laundry...since all her laundry soap and everything was still packed. Thats when I got a call from my sister, "Meet mom at the Phoenix Children's Hospital Emergency Room as soon as you can." Apparently my mom had taken Angel (who has been sick for a few days) into the ER. I of course dropped everything and rushed back across town to PCH. When I got there my mom was still in the emergency room waiting area. She had gotten really worried about his electrolyte levels since he hadnt been able to keep anything down for a few days, and thought he might have a blockage. The doctors thought so too, but after being there for hours, him being on an IV because he was dehydrated, and the doctors doing many different tests, they decided that he most likely has reflux, but my mom has to take him to his physician tomorow. I guess what I am trying to get at through all of this rambling is that "A Man may plan his steps, but God directs his path."

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