Wednesday, April 23, 2008

this paper

At times over the past couple of weeks, I have thought that this extended argument paper might really be the death of me. Because I am so passionate about the subject I am writing on, I have spent endless hours working on the paper, trying to perfect it, trying to make sure my point is clearly understood...and for what? For one person to read it and give me a grade? I really could care less about the grade. Although, dont get me wrong, I would be pretty upset if I did get a bad grade on this paper. I guess I am more doing this to express my thoughts and feelings than anything else. This paper has made me truly question what I want to do in life. For a while I have been just kind of treading water, unsure of what I want to do as a career. I am continuing on with my business degree, but I really am passionate about the foster and adoption system, although I do not think that I want to be a case worker. I do think that I could see myself working at an agency such as AASK (aid to the adoption of special kids) the agency that my family was licensed for foster care through, possibly working with the families that are going to be fostering and adopting. Although like I said, I am really unsure at this point. I guess I will just have to continue on and pray that God shows me which direction to go.

1 comment:

Cassie said...

I would kinda like to read your paper. It is such a great topic and to hear how passionate you are about it, it sounds like it will be an amazing paper. Also I think it is really cool that you would want to work with an adoption agency. I love kids as well and I would love to do all I can to help them.