Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Pulp Fiction - Class Issues

The issue that I was to look for throughout Pulp Fiction was Class Issues. This topic was very prevalent throughout the film in many aspects. One of the main themes througout the movie is the idea that the people with money control everyone else. Marsellus has control over Butch when he pays him off, and he also has control over Vincent and Jules. He controls them because he has the money, and the guns. Vincent and Jules have more money than the family that they kill as well and they have the guns, hence they have power over over these people. Throughout the movie the chain of command falls into place by who has the most money. There are only a few times when this chain of command is disrupted, but each time the people with the money regain control. Tarantino went against convention in his films by jumbling the order of events. He always starts with the end to get the viewers attention and then goes back to the beginning of the story and goes through it all. This type of style worked very well because it caused people to want to watch the entire movie so that the questions from the beginning, or rather the end, were answered. I am not really sure why we watched this movie in class, dont get me wrong, it was a nice break from work, but I am not sure what I am supposed to get out of it.

1 comment:

Michele Genesis said...

You had a very good analysis of the topic and make mine look bad haha :)
way to be elli