Sunday, April 13, 2008

My Weekend

I have no idea what to write about his week, so I guess I will just write about my weekend. I actually stayed here in Flagstaff this weekend, *shocker* I know, so i had to figure something out to do to keep me busy. My weekends start on Friday because I have no classes, so what better way to start my weekend than by sleeping in till noon? When I finally woke up I had to go to work until 5 pm and then I spent the rest of the afternoon doing pretty much nothing except watching a Law and Order: SVU marathon. I woke up EARLY Saturday morning to go do the March for Babies for March of Dimes with Michele. Of course, being from Phoenix, April means to us that it is time for shorts and tank tops, however we were freeeeezing, even with jackets on. We worked through it and by the end of the 4 mile walk we were pretty warmed up. We then decided to be even more adventerous and go for another hike. We went on Fatman's Loop and boy did we feel like fatmen. By the end of the 2 mile hike we were pretty worn out, but we sure had a good time. We then ate some chinese food and were back home for more Law and Order. Today I once again slept in as long as I could and now I am stuck inside for the day doing homework. Gross. Oh well, all in all the weekend was pretty good, but I cant wait for this coming weekend when I get to go home again and see my foster brother and celebrate my best friend's birthday.


Michele Genesis said...

haha..yeah pretty sure they should change the name to fatCOLLEGE students! haha, anywho i know what you mean about wanting to stay up here when the weather is like this, its so nice, but i am right there with ya because although the weather is nice, there are a lot more important things in our lives that need us to be there. But this weekend was lots of fun, i am glad we did did all we did :)

Jacki Belknap said...

Fatman's Loop is my favorite quick hike! Don't worry, it gets A LOT easier.

Also, I am glad to hear that you participated in the March for Babies (the new name). My sister is the Bay Area event coordinator and I usually always work at least one event each year. It really is an amazing cause, and one which I think you would be a great part of. Who knows... future career? Hmmm...