Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Little Miracles

In life I see miracles around me every day, but one thing that always amazes me is the birth of a baby. The baby in the picture to the left is four day old Angel Jesus (an-HEL HAY-soos). He is the most recent foster baby to come into my family's home. We received him on Monday March 3rd. When I look at this tiny, 5 pound 10 ounce, little boy, I am just amazed at how God can so perfectly create life. Every child that God creates is perfect as they are, no matter if they are mentally of physically disabled, somehow disfigured, or normal. He creates each person for a reason, and still people take life for granted. It is strange to me that people like Angel's mother who are on crack can carry a baby full term and have a perfectly healthy child, yet there are others who do everything right and still their child is born premature, or horribly ill, or disabled. Like I said, I believe each life is created for a reason, and we will never fully understand, but it is just a mystery to me. The baby in the picture to the right is Emma. She is sister's friends baby who was born four months premature. She was born in December and is still in the hospital. Even though she has had all of the problems she has had, She has still been an amazing blessing to her parents and everyone around her.

I know this has been a lot of rambling, but the point I am trying to make is that God is amazing, and does amazing things every day that we all take for granted way more than we should.


RBD said...

God is SOOO amazing!
And I'll never understand how people can screw up their whole pregnancy and still have a perfect baby, while others like Mrs. Fullerton get screwed over twice.
But if that never happened, we wouldn't get most of the babies that come our way. :)

Michele Genesis said...

I love that your family gives a second chance to those munchkins. As much of a blessing you are in the kids lives, they bless everyone who comes in contact with them. life is such a precious gift and alot of people do not see that. but people like emma's mom know what its like to fight for the life of someone so special.God is amazing and even though no one will understand why certain things happen, its all in his hands. I love meeting all the little ones that get put into your life and being a small part of it to. ok love u :D