Friday, February 29, 2008


"We must be the change we wish to see in the world." - Gandhi

Change. We all want it to happen, but we are all afraid of it. Almost everyone in college, including myself, can't wait to be done, yet I know we are all so scared of the "real world." Some of us may have no idea what we want to do once we graduate, others may have everything planned out, and yet we all have that small amount of fear in us. What we have to be able to do is bury that small voice telling us to hold back and be afraid, and we must change the world around us to be what we want it to be. We can all do it in small ways every day, every hour, every minute, but there will be the few of us who are able to do something great. I know that I hope that by the time I die I will have changed at least one person's life in a significant way, and I hope that everyone has that same goal. I want to put forth a challenge today to anyone who reads this; think about your life and how you hope to change the world, think of a small thing you can do on a daily basis to change the world around you, now do that small thing every day.


Dani said...

Creating a goal to change someone else's life for the better is definitely one everyone should have. I know some can not do that because their own life is too complicated for them to worry about other's or for some they just have a need for making other's lives miserable. For me I have already changed some people's lives and I feel great for it. I've saved a few friends from suicide, I helped another friend get through surgery that he should have died in, and in general I am there for anyone who neds me. I'd rather have someone share their burden than have them be crashed by it alone. Change no matter how big or small is important.

*Miranda* said...

I completely agree! Babies are just one of God's most precious miracles and it makes me so sad when people that deserve these wonderful gifts cannot recieve them. It really gets to me when people that treat their children like crap get to keep them when they don't want them and when good hearted people don't even get the chance. I love babies!! I think it's a real honorable thing that your family does...kudos to you guys!